Dungeons and Dragons pictures reveal swords and a castle

Dungeons & Dragons shooting has finally begun. This also means we’ve got the first pictures from the set.

Pictures of the group at Alnwick Castle in the UK have leaked today. Fun fact: Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones 5 productions aren’t far away, so the whole area is perfect for those who like to take shots from movie sets.

set pictures for Dungeons & Dragons
Several photos to shoot Dungeons & Dragons. They certainly don’t compromise on much. For example, we do not see the main character, but a bald, tattooed and armed man who looks very dangerous and medieval.

We also see that the castle in which the recordings take place is somewhat torn. A question from a fan on Twitter is if it’s about Amaunator icons. Who do you know…

at Dungeons & Dragons A group of bandits managed to escape from prison. They go on a mission to take revenge on the person who betrayed them during a dangerous mission.

The film will be released in theaters in 2023.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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