Dutch Film Awards Gender-Neutral Acting Awards

The Netherlands Film Festival (NFF) no longer awards separate awards for the best male and female starring.

The Netherlands Film Festival (NFF) no longer distinguishes between the Actors Awards and the Actress Awards when presenting the Golden Calfs, the most important film awards in the Netherlands. For example, in the 41st cycle, from September 24 to October 2, the Golden Calf for Best Leading Role and the Golden Calf for Best Supporting Role in a Dutch Film will be awarded. They were the last two golden wheels where the gender distinction still exists.

Five shows were nominated for Best Leading Role and Best Supporting Role in a Dutch Film, as well as for the Golden Calf Award for Best Film and Best Feature Documentary. Three shows each qualify for other awards, from directing and screenplay to editing and camera work to music and sound design.

The film festival made the decision in consultation with film professionals at the Dutch Academy of Film (DAFF) and the ACT Acteursbelangen.

The debate around gender inclusion has been going on around the world for years and is also urgent in the film and photo sector both nationally and internationally. NFF moves in the zeitgeist and has chosen, as it has with other golden calves for decades, to abolish discrimination between men and women in acting awards,” says Silvia van der Heyden, Director General of the Film Festival.

The Berlin Film Festival previously decided to award gender-neutral awards.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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