Dutch UFC legend Stefan Struve is forced to stop fighting: ‘Health comes first’

Surprisingly, Stefan Struve has put an end to his existence as a professional fighter. The Dutchman, who is nearly 33, announced on Instagram that he would stop fighting professionally in the UFC. Since 2009, he participated in the world’s largest mixed martial arts competition and became a legend.

The reason for his resignation is because of permanent damage to his hearing. He has problems with his vestibular system and suffers from ringing in the ears and tinnitus. Fortunately for him, he only has complaints when he’s forced to exert excessive effort, for example during a training camp before a big fight.

Family and health in the first place
In his daily life he can spend his day without complaints. But. He now says, ‘I made the decision that it was time to throw my glove into the ring. My family and my health now come first. I am forever grateful to the UFC, my coaches and the fans for the career I have managed to make.

Wonderful career
In the Mixed Fighting Championship, he won 29 matches and lost 13. His last two games (against Tai Toivasa on October 24, 2020 and Ben Rothwell on December 7, 2019) lost both. But ‘The Skyscraper’ is best known for his impressive wins over big UFC names like Antonio ‘Bigfoot’ Silva and Stipe Miocic, the current World Heavyweight Champion.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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