Each important step puts the movement methods in the spotlight!

Looking for more traffic? Deinze puts you on your way! As one of the 200 Flemish municipalities and towns, the city is committed to the four-year project “Every step counts!”. Under the motto “Every step counts!” We want to create neighborhoods that enable and stimulate more movement. Together with the Citizens’ Committee for Step Ambassadors, this year the city of Deinze is shining the spotlight on exercise methods.

The first step has been taken!

In the past year, many step signs have been installed in the city, such as signs, doormats, footsteps, posters, posters, etc., the goal is 10,000 steps per day, but every step you take is actually beneficial to your health.

Also this year, the City of Deans is committed to developing more active neighborhoods and motivating residents to take enough steps every day. This year, the city’s various hiking trails are in the spotlight. The Citizens Committee explains: “We each have our own reasons for participating literally and figuratively in this campaign: walking crazy, being outside in nature, a short way to the station, evening rides in the neighborhood along quiet roads, regular bike rides. Extra swimming with kids, safe roads. , … you name it, any form of (extra) exercise. Under the motto “The Impossible Doesn’t Exist” we would like to urge everyone to take that extra step every day. The quote “On the way to small steps big dreams come true” applies in our path It doesn’t have to be 10,000-step big goals, every extra step you take is a step in the right direction for a healthy body and mind.”

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Sophie Dundt, Member of Alder Sports, adds: “Exercise is indeed essential to physical and mental health. You don’t have to be a big athlete to benefit and enjoy a small or large portion of exercise, preferably every day!”

Citizen Panel

Seven enthusiastic residents together form a citizenship committee of Step Ambassadors. They represent the entire population and help the city in word and deed. “The citizens’ committee is an essential part of this four-year process,” says Connie de Spiegilier, a health care local council member. It is the voice of our citizens for whom we are launching this project. It is a very diverse group. In this way we try to give a voice to different groups of the population, such as the elderly, people with less mobility, adventurous hikers, nature hikers and city lovers. Step ambassadors have one thing in common and that is their enthusiasm about the exercise and the motivation they get to participate in the process. Thank you Pauline Depres, Olivier de Greiff, Martin van Moor, Roland Engelen, Johnny Hermann, Catherine Delanotte and Han van Vlierbergen for your efforts! “

Well said: Every step counts!

Well, the Deinze city sharing platform welcomes the campaign on its website www.good said.deinze.be† Everyone can learn about step and campaign ambassadors on the Every Step Important page. This year the Citizens’ Committee will be experimenting and evaluating different walking methods in the city of Denzie. All results for each march can be found at well said.deinze.be. You will also find information about walking paths suitable for nature lovers, accessible for wheelchair users, safe for children, …

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Are you an active gait yourself? Do you know useful shortcuts within the city or hidden gems? You too can be an inspiration. Leave a pin for yourself on the digital map and share it with the neighborhood.

Turn around and line with us

The digital age is gaining more and more ground in our society. With this campaign, we’re stepping back a little bit into the ‘good old days’, using a gumball machine. This time, adults can also relive the fun of spinning the machine for a while. Trade popular magic or gumballs for a healthy picnic, challenge or great prize! The machine at the service center Leiespiegel begins its tour of all neighborhoods. During www.deinze.be/elkestaptelt We will keep you informed of its location.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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