Elementary school children are introduced to science and technology (Mechelen)

Kids get a taste of technology in a fun way.
Photo: rr

Mechelen –

In the GO! Elementary schools Maurits Sabbe and De Abeel in Mechelen gave students a taste of technology and STEM last week. In this way, schools want to introduce children to science, technology and mathematics in its broadest form at an early stage, in an everyday context.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) have become very popular among children and young adults in recent years. Elementary schools Maurits Sabbe and De Abeel in Mechelen organize STEM weeks to get their students excited about everything related to science, technology, and mathematics at a very young age. Even kids in kindergarten are already taking technical classes.

“On the one hand, we notice that technology is fascinating our students,” says director Isabel Van Rompuy. On the other hand, we also want children to ask themselves: “How is this possible?” We trigger that feeling during our regular tech weeks. During these STEM weeks, you see qualities spring up in them, like coming up with smart and innovative solutions together, which are less obvious during regular teaching weeks. ”

Small robots

During STEM Week, students experimented and made all kinds of things and programmed little robots. “Experience-based learning is crucial,” says Van Rompuy. “This way of working provides insights that can be used to solve complex questions and real-life problems. It’s great that kids discover so many things in a fun way and often get a taste for technology quickly.

Elementary school children are introduced to science and technology
Photo: rr
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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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