England hosts a conference on religious freedom

British Foreign Minister les truss Announces that the UK will be next summer international summit To promote freedom of religion or belief for all.

The July 2022 conference will bring together delegates from government and religious leaders. It should give impetus to global efforts to address religious persecution. Through the meeting we want to encourage collective action to promote respect among the various religious and non-religious communities around the world, so that everyone, everywhere, can freely practice their religion or belief. We view the promotion of religious freedom as a major priority of our foreign policy.

The United Kingdom also co-founded International Religious Freedom or Faith Alliance (IRFB), which has 33 member countries, including the Netherlands and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Our country, which does not seem to really see the promotion of religious freedom as a priority in its foreign policy, is not (yet) a member of the coalition.

Source: gov.uk

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Megan Vasquez

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