Ethiopia Conflict: US, Ireland and UK want emergency meeting …

File image: Ethiopian government soldiers in Tigray.
Photo: A.P.

The United States, Ireland and the United Kingdom have called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the situation in the Ethiopian region of Tigris. This was heard in diplomatic circles. Insurgents captured the northern region’s capital, Michel, from the interim government on Monday.

The meeting may take place on Friday. The date and time will be set by France, the head of the Security Council in July.

Since the outbreak of conflict in Ethiopia in November, Western nations have never been able to organize a public inquiry into Tigre. African countries, such as China and Russia, believe the crisis is an internal Ethiopian affair.

Countries may call for a referendum before a meeting on Saturday. As such, member states are not allowed to exercise their veto power, but nine votes out of fifteen are required to hold a general meeting.

The last Security Council meeting on Tigre took place on June 15 behind closed doors. At the time, diplomats said China opposed a joint council report on the risk of prolonging famine in Ethiopia.


Troops loyal to former Tigre People’s Liberation Front (DPLF) officials seized Michael on Monday from the interim government. The latter declared a ceasefire after eight months of conflict.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed launched an attack on the DPLF in November last year. He promised the UN a short-lived operation, but fighting and atrocities continued.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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