“Every megaton of carbon dioxide emissions costs human lives” | Ministries


Blog entry | 10-30-2021 | Others about BZ . work

“There is talk of a climate crisis, so a crisis approach is also needed.” Aniek Moonen and Zoë de Jonge of the Youth Climate Movement on their way to COP26 in Glasgow with the Climate Train. “We have to do everything we can.”

Aniek and Zoë with the Climate Train en route to COP26 in Glasgow.

Why was the Youth Climate Movement (JKB) founded in 2016?

Annick: The youth’s voice was underrepresented. Jordan Kuwait Bank unites 60 youth movements and is the voice of a total of 100,000 youth. The movement has 70 volunteers working in different working groups, such as Tomorrow we are a global partnership (WHAT-GP). ‘
Zoë: The WAT-GP was established to connect young people between the ages of 16 and 32 around the world, so that they speak up for each other. Young people from Bangladesh, Nepal, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Qatar, Chile, Mexico, Israel, Egypt and the Netherlands are speaking to young people in their countries to hear their vision for the future and translate it into a vision for 2050.”

Why these eleven countries?

Zoe: We work closely with the State Department and have good contacts with the embassies. Thanks to these contacts, we have found youth organizations in eleven countries that are open to cooperation. We want to expand with two European countries and with countries in South America and East Asia.

What is your personal motivation for climate action?

Aniek: Every megaton of CO2 we emit in 2021 costs 226 human life. Extreme heat in summer, for example, causes excess mortality. I see that there is still something we can do to turn the tide, and I still see opportunities. I want to highlight and seize these opportunities.
Zoë: ‘It’s sad to hear what’s going on. But there are solutions and this is motivating. I feel good when I can contribute something. If you choose not to eat meat anymore, it will have an effect: it can even save human lives. I am particularly concerned about climate migrants, as this group is getting bigger and bigger.

Aniek and Zo from Al Shabab Climate Movement

Aniek is the chair of the Youth Climate Movement, Zo is the chair of the We Are Tomorrow global partnership.

What will you do at COP26 in Glasgow?

Zoë: Young people from almost all partner countries come to COP26. They will deliver their vision documents to policy officials from their country. Target? Raise the nationally set climate targets, as they can be more ambitious. With current goals, the Earth’s temperature will rise by 2.7 degrees Celsius. We’ll talk to politicians, policy officials, and people from the business community about realizing these ambitions.

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In collaboration with youth representatives to the United Nations and Sail for the Future, you are organizing an event on engaging youth in climate policy. Why is that so important?

Zoë: We are experts on how we want to live our lives in the future. Many people who decide now about the future no longer live in 2075. We do. So, we have something to say about the required steps now. We want to access all the information, sit at the table and provide input.
Annick: “It is a shame not to take advantage of young people. We often have new and innovative ideas. Governments should make it easier for young people to develop this vision, because we cannot compete with big lobby organizations.

What are you pressing for?

Aniek: A test of generations in politics. Governments should be obligated to demonstrate the long-term effects of the policy on the ecosystem. Not only for the next five years, but also for the next 50 to 100 years. In the United Kingdom there is a climate authority, which is Climate Change Committee, ensuring the achievement of targets in the field of carbon dioxide emissions. This committee provides advice based on scientific insights. The Netherlands should also have such a commission.

What do you expect from the negotiations?

Anick: First: that countries abide by the agreements contained in the Paris Climate Agreement. Five years ago, we agreed to jointly ensure that global warming does not exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius. The conclusion after five years is clear: we are not achieving our goals. So I expect very big strides. The solution lies in climate justice and solidarity.

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What do you mean by climate justice and solidarity?

Zoe: “The countries that have contributed the most to climate change must now do their best to solve this problem. Rich countries pledge to spend $100 million annually on climate finance. But that hasn’t happened yet. By solidarity we mean we are in this together. Even if One country has contributed less to climate change, together we must look for solutions.We must all bear the effects of climate change.For example, if Bangladesh is hit hard by floods, other countries must also contribute to the reconstruction after the devastation.

Finally: what really needs improvement?

Annick: “The sense of urgency is still missing. There is a climate crisis. This requires a crisis approach, with far-reaching solutions.
Zoe: What frustrates me is that everyone is waiting for each other. Businesses do not have to wait for governments, governments do not have to wait for individuals, and a country does not have to wait for another. We have to do everything we can, because the consequences of climate change are already being felt.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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