Exporters to the UK fear chaos

Trade to the UK has become more complex since January 1 this year. Nevertheless, the flower and plant trade in the United Kingdom has remained relatively quiet until now. But what if you really start to study English? What if the cut flowers are subjected to phytosanitary examination from April 1? Exporters fear chaos.

Exporting flowers and plants to the UK will become even more difficult in the future. April 1 may be the date on which the English began to conduct phytosanitary studies on plants. This is the date on which the cut flowers prescribed for the ‘UK’ must be subjected to phytosanitary examination.

An Concern with Exporters, Quality Control Bureau (KCP) Has enough manpower to study both plants and cut flowers. Business Manager Ilan Van Wies FM team And Harry Brockhoff, C.F.O. Dutch flower group Fear not. “KCP will have ten times more jobs than it did in October last year,” Van Vlees estimates.

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Another concern of exporters is the UK system Peach Suitable for processing all phytosanitary studies. Brockhoff calls the beach viscous. Phytosanitary studies of plants have already been introduced on the beach. The system appears to be slow and always inaccessible. Flowers will be added soon. Van Vellis notes that Peach’s operating system is comparable to an MS-DOS environment. A new system is being prepared, but will it be completed on time?

The business manager expects it to be a big mess to cut the British check plants more rigorously from April 1 and inspect the cut flowers. He talks about the long traffic jams from the auction to Hooke and Calais in Holland. Brockhoff shares these concerns. (..)

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According to Here Article on UK Business in Bloomystems Digital Magazine. Does KCB have enough capacity to inspect cut flowers?

Ari-France Midelberg

Ari-Franz Midelberg has been an author at Wakfat vor de Bloomistery since 2002. He writes about auctions, logistics and advances in floriculture abroad.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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