Extra help against Brexit fatigue | News article

News | 09-26-2019 | 16:17

As of today, central government is launching new tools with which businesses and healthcare organizations can prepare for Brexit. The aim is to point out potential blind spots in their preparation as entrepreneurs or make them take a critical look at whether they are resistant to Brexit.

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Research shows that 80-85% of entrepreneurs start preparing. But more than half of them are still ignoring important matters, and therefore are not yet fully prepared for Brexit. These new tools make it easier for entrepreneurs and healthcare organizations to prepare for Brexit.

Minister Block

“It is understandable that not everyone is ready for Brexit because it is still not entirely clear when exactly Brexit will take place,” says Foreign Minister Blok. However, a no-deal Brexit on October 31 remains a real possibility. We therefore advise you to combat Brexit fatigue and, for example, take action using the new tools on brexitloket.nl and make the right preparations.

NB: For questions relating to doing business with the UK as a non-EU country You can contact the Dutch Project Agency. The Brexit counter has closed

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Brexit Magazine.


The tools for entrepreneurs and healthcare organizations are part of the government’s ‘Make sure Brexit doesn’t hold your business back’ campaign. A Brexit magazine will be published today containing a lot of practical information. The magazine contains, among other things, a Brexit to-do list, a user-friendly customs checklist and interviews with entrepreneurs and organizations that have already prepared.

Please note: Please note: For questions relating to doing business with the UK as a non-EU country You can contact the Dutch Project Agency. The Brexit counter has been resolved with the government’s ‘Make sure Brexit doesn’t get in the way of your business’ campaign.

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Brexit track and trace tool.

Interactive tool

There is an interactive website at Brexitloket.nl Track and trace tool. This allows entrepreneurs to make a virtual move from the Netherlands to the UK and vice versa. This way they immediately see the obstacles they may encounter along the way. If a particular step isn’t ready yet, they can click directly to a web page to correct it. Concrete and practical.


Finally, there it is Wake-up calls about Brexit; These are podcasts in which experts and entrepreneurs from different industries share their experiences and give advice. The first podcast in a series of eight episodes can be heard starting Friday on nu.nl. In addition, the Brexit Impact Survey continues to provide the most complete assessment of a company or organization’s Brexit risks.

Minister Kaag

“Being well-prepared for Brexit is essential,” says Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Kaag. “If the UK is no longer part of the EU, businesses will have to deal with all kinds of new rules and procedures, including customs procedures. By being thoroughly prepared, entrepreneurs can prevent problems and save a lot of time and money. So conduct an impact survey in As soon as possible and visit the Brexit office.

Survey of the impact of Brexit

Please note: The Brexit Impact Survey is no longer available since 1 January 2023. FifthFor questions relating to doing business with the UK as a non-EU country You can visit the RVO website.

Surveying the impact of Brexit, many entrepreneurs have already identified the consequences that Brexit will have on them. Of course, this information will only be valuable if you take targeted action. Such as applying for an EORI number at customs, advance notification of documents to the ferry ports’ Portbase system, amending contracts and insurance, arranging import and export certificates, and making data movement Brexit proof.

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State Secretary Keizer

“Although not everything is yet clear about Brexit, it is important that we are all prepared for it,” says State Secretary Keizer from the Department for Economic Affairs and Climate. “Time is ticking, and with this campaign we want to help companies prepare. This way we can limit the economic consequences as much as possible, both for all individual companies and for our country as a whole.

Minister Bruins

Minister Bruno Bruins (Medical Care and Sport): “Good preparation is crucial to be able to act quickly and appropriately in the event of any unwanted consequences. The government and many other parties in healthcare are doing everything they can to prevent problems arising for patients in No-deal scenario: These new tools can help healthcare organizations take a critical look at whether they have made the right preparations or whether additional actions are needed.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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