Fear of more than 100 deaths after the rupture of glaciers in India

Nine bodies have already been recovered in northern India after a section of a glacier collapsed. This rupture caused severe flooding. It is possible that between 100 and 150 people are missing, and their lives feared.

The accident occurred near the Goshimath region in the Indian Himalayas, 300 km northeast of the capital, New Delhi. On Sunday, a piece of glacier crashed into the river, causing a kind of tidal wave that engulfed the valley.

In a village in the area, many homes were damaged and the massive stream destroyed at least three bridges. The residents of the valley were called to leave immediately.

In the area, many workers were working on dams in the area, which were badly damaged. Nine bodies have already been found in one of the projects, but dozens of workers are said to be missing. At the second site, fifteen to twenty workers are trapped in a tunnel because of the accident. Sixteen others can be saved.

“A major disaster occurred near Goshimath. A glacier broke off and fell into a river. Federal Interior Minister Amit Shah said that water levels in the rivers are rising in Rishgana and Alakananda. We know there are casualties, but we don’t have any details yet.”

Meanwhile, the water levels in the rivers have stabilized again, reducing the risk of floods.

The mountainous region is vulnerable to disasters. According to experts, the problem has been exacerbated by several construction projects that have damaged the surrounding area. Became Uttarakhand in 2013 Struck by heavy monsoon rains In nearly ninety years. Then more than 6,000 people died.

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Photo: AP
Fear of more than 100 deaths after the rupture of glaciers in India
Photo: AP
Fear of more than 100 deaths after the rupture of glaciers in India
Photo: AP

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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