Fisheries leaders lament Brexit ‘betrayal’ as MPs rush to sign Brexit deal

Senior Conservative MPs on Saturday warned of a plan to expedite the historic UK-EU trade deal by parliament on a one-day basis, accusing fisheries leaders of “entering” Boris Johnson to make the deal on Christmas Eve at 11am.

There were growing fears among senior Tories that they would spend the next three days on a 2,000-page deal released on Saturday, allowing details in the best axis to allow the EU to impose punitive tariffs on British exports if businesses fail to comply. European rules.

When The agreement was announced by Prime Minister and European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen Westminster is sure to bypass the parliament, largely because Labor supports it, and pro-Brexit MPs are determined not to fall into the trap of approving the full agreement before each section is fully scrutinized.

Head of Downing Street Proxy Lord Frost, the negotiator, said the agreement would allow “national renewal” and allow the UK to “set its own laws again”.

But as he did so the British fishermen increasingly expressed their anger, and the promises made by the levers that they would regain control over all England fishing waters by voting for Brexit. Barry Dees, chief executive of the Federation of National Fishermen’s Organizations, said his career had been betrayed in order to win a broader contract. “At EndCom, the Prime Minister called and caught the fish, rhetoric and promised he would not do what Ted Heath did in 1973.”

Jane Chandel, CEO of UK Fisheries, spoke less, but acknowledged that the promises made were not respected: “We are pleased that the UK-EU agreement brings some sort of commitment to certain parts of our industry, yet we are still looking for the‘ best fish ’promised to us, and it will not change anything for us. “

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On Wednesday, MPs will have only one day to discuss and vote on the agreement that will effectively seal Brexit and create the future framework for relations between London and Brussels.

The UK withdrew from the EU on January 31 this year, prompting an 11-month transition period to implement the decision. It ends on New Year’s Day, setting the stage for the country to leave the single market and customs union.

Tory MP And former Brexit secretary David Davis said Viewer He assured that the agreement would not allow the EU to impose wide-ranging tariffs on UK goods if there were future disagreements over fishing rights.

Davis said it would take more time to explore and discuss such a very important issue and the historic shift in UK international relations. “Whatever you think about this deal will affect us for the rest of our lives. It is a pact that will end an argument that dominated the first half of our lives and the effect will last a lifetime, it requires more than a rubber stamp,” he said one day. Davis said the debate was “too fast.”

David Davis said the deal needed more than a rubber stamp. Photo: Jonathan Hartle / Rex

“I am happy to deliver my policy agreement on the same day if I achieve that vision [only] The policy agreement is “because the European Parliament will take days to look at it, and all the European Parliaments will take more time to read it,” Davis said.

Another senior member of the 1922 group of Tory backbones said: “There are concerns among colleagues. We need time to look at this very carefully to ensure that it passes the sovereignty tests. ”

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Peter Bone, a senior MP in Wellingboro, said he understood that time was very limited, but compared the issue to budgets, which seemed pleasing to everyone when it was first released – but then became full of problems and holes. “It simply came to our notice then. Most of us think this is good, but let’s take the time to check it out again and establish what it looks like. ”

On Saturday, so-called legal experts, known as star judges and lawyers appointed by the pro-Brexit pro-European research team, began combing through the best print. When asked when the white smoke of approval would be released, another senior MP said he anticipated that Euroseptics would give undeserved support to the deal: “This is not white smoke. It may be black smoke. ”

While the Prime Minister can be confident that the law to implement this agreement will reach the law book, he wants to reduce any Conservative party insurgency or discontent, and finally, wants to draw a line that has done so much to destroy internal arguments. Three of his predecessors – Margaret Thatcher, John Major and David Cameron.

When fishing accounts for the smallest part of the UK economy, this is quite one Politically important issues The leave campaign in 2016 was used as a key part of allowing the Brexit government to “regain control”.

Under the Christmas Eve agreement, the UK government and Brussels agreed to transfer 25% of EU boats’ fishing rights to British waters to the country’s navy in five and a half years. The UK first demanded that the rights of the EU be reduced by 80%. However, the UK has reduced the number of years that this change will be introduced to less than half of what the EU originally demanded.

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After this period, the two sides will negotiate future fisheries rights, allowing the agreement to impose tariffs on each other’s fish exports in the event of serious disagreements.

Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the European Reform Center, described this type of arrangement as “extraordinary” in a trade agreement. MPs are also concerned about the possibility of imposing EU tariffs on other types of exports, including cars, if UK-based manufacturers do not follow Brussels’ rules on the origin of components used in production.

First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, He complained on Saturday that promises made to his country’s fisheries department had been breached, stressing that it was “just another example of the Tory governments forcing Scotland in the wrong direction”.
He added that an independent Scotland could be “the bridge between England and the European Union”.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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