Flemish Minister Wouter Beck (CD&V): “20 young men injured …

20 young people tested positive for coronavirus after a party holiday in Spain and yet boarded a plane to our country risking a fine and imprisonment. This says Flemish Public Health Minister Wouter Beck (CD&V).

Wouter Beck considers it “unacceptable” for young people to board the plane to affected Belgium. And their actions may also have a legal end, he says in Het Journaal on One.

“The Prevention Decree states that anyone who has become infected and does not respect the imposed quarantine/isolation, is theoretically subject to a fine and even imprisonment.”

Beck calls on infected young people who boarded the plane to “get tests done immediately, so that their health can be monitored more closely.”

It was earlier announced that the Health and Welfare Agency would actively track young people. “We are looking at whether additional steps or sanctions could be taken,” spokesman Joris Munins said.

Federal Public Health Minister Frank Vandenbroek (Forwitt) described the incident as not likely to happen again. There will be another advisory panel on Friday. “This will certainly be on the table,” his spokesman said.

Read also. Air travel by young people is not without consequences: “Antisocial behavior in which they put others at risk” (+)

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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