Flemish Vaccination Centers Remain On Track After Problem With I …

The system for contacting those eligible for vaccination was somewhat delayed at the beginning of this week. Today invitations will be sent by message, email and SMS without any problems.

The vaccination center for Brussels residents opened at Palace 1 in Heysel on Tuesday and closed after a day. “Problems with the national information technology system sending out invitations,” said Brussels Health Minister Alain Marron (Ecolo) Wednesday morning.

This is confirmed by the Flemish Agency for Care and Health. “But the problem is now solved,” says spokesperson Joris Munens. what is he talking about? It is about a national IT system that sends text messages as well as emails and at the same time sends invitations to a printer and Bpost with notification that the subpoena can be sent. We expected the start-up process right away not going smoothly. This is why vaccination centers in Flanders start only Friday. Some even start on a Saturday or Monday – that’s what primary care districts decide.

the target audience

Munnens is convinced that the first letters of invitation will be correctly sent today. Bpost guarantees that all orders placed before 5 PM will be delivered to your home tomorrow. At the same time, the first text messages and emails are also being sent today, so they reach their recipients more quickly. Even if the message arrives in time, no problem. The next target group now – general practitioners, home nurses, and other people from primary care – know they can expect a call.

With current quantities of vaccines, centers do not vaccinate every day. The volume will increase significantly from the beginning of March. “ We’re expecting deliveries from AstraZeneca this week and next, which will be partially distributed to hospitals, but a large part of it will go to vaccination centers, ” says Monins. Once we get it, we can actually increase the pace slightly in the centers.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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