Fulfilling dreams for positive health

The theatrical performance “Catching Dreams” marked the beginning of the Positive Health Zoetermeer 2025 project. The theatrical performance, which included short drawings, encouraged visitors to think about quality of life and responsibility towards themselves and each other.

Each presentation on February 12, 13 and 14 was opened by a council member, such as Ter Lac, Velzen and Werwag councilors who attended and stressed the importance of positive health for residents. The theater took place in a small hall in the Silverdome, but above all the debate on health and related issues was discussed.

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Councilor Ter Laack: “Residents cannot do it alone and healthcare and social care professionals cannot do it. We need each other! Only then will we achieve better health for all residents of Zoetermeer.”

In the drawings, short scenes of examples occurring in each city or region are reenacted. The three actors kept changing characters and personalities and actively involved the audience in the performance.
It was clear that the solution to the problem sometimes falls to the municipality or local residents who can help each other to improve the living environment.

Samen Gezond Zoetermeer will organize more activities in the near future, including in the neighbourhoods.

Photos: Marja De Love

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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