Girl group Girls Aloud holds a reunion during a new tour

Reunions remain hot. In recent years, many nostalgia bands have returned once or entirely to perform together. The latest addition is British band Girls Aloud. They will tour again in May and June next year. This tour will take place in the UK only.

Soon, Girls Aloud fans will be able to go wild again. The band will return to tour in 2024. In addition, members Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Kimberly Walsh, and Nicole Roberts will return. The fifth member, Sarah Harding, died of cancer in 2021. Therefore, the new shows will also be a kind of tribute to her.

Girls are loud

Girls Aloud was founded in 2002 in the talent show business Pop stars – competitors. A girl group and a boy group were formed there, and later they competed against each other for the best place in the charts. The first song from Girls Aloud was there Underground soundWhich eventually reached number 1.

After the talent show, the group continued to work on new music. This includes, among other things There is no good advice And Jumping From 2003. The last song is a cover of The Pointer Sisters and was also used as the title song for the film Love indeed From the same year. He took care of that right away Jumping It is perhaps their most famous song of all time.

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Several albums followed in the years that followed, until they temporarily broke up in 2009. In 2013 they reunited for one final tour, but then came their official farewell. Now, nearly 10 years later, the band has announced that they are making a comeback.

In May and June 2024, they will visit different British cities to perform. In addition, members Cheryl Cole, Nadine Coyle, Kimberly Walsh, and Nicole Roberts will return. Sarah Harding sadly passed away in 2021 from cancer. The other members told us during the announcement that this concert will be for her as well.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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