Goldsmith Jan van Ess from Emmen is working on artificial intelligence. “I thought it would be a good idea to start with art.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands for the ability of a machine to exhibit human-like capabilities. Jeweler Jan van S(64) uses new technology to decorate his works in the heart of Emmen. A famous painter takes center stage.

The experienced Emmer jeweler also knows that 140 years ago the painter Vincent van Gogh honored southeast Drenthe with a visit. Van Ess is originally a virtuoso jeweler, but he does not have the art of drawing. “With the help of artificial intelligence, I created new ‘art’,” says the sixty-year-old.

Simply put, the jeweler entered a lot of jargon via Midjourney’s digital artificial intelligence platform. This online software is also available as an app and creates images (like a robot) based on – in the case of Van Ess – terms like Oil painting, Vincent Van Gogh painting style, perfect composition And professionals . As a result, the authentic Eminar was shown several examples of (digital) art. , After selecting, I finally chose three digital designs, which I printed on photo paper. ”

Opposite Rinnesenberg

The three new artworks now adorn the shop windows and the Arn van Ess Juwelier & Goudsmid store on Notaris Oostingstraat, opposite Rensenpark. Customers and passers-by respond with enthusiasm, according to Van Ess, who recently started selling jewelry inspired by the famous painter’s work. Since the early 1980s, the store has been decorated with the Four Seasons theme. The current art—including sunflowers in a vase and a self-portrait created of Van Gogh (including a straw hat) on a chair—has a summery feel.

Van Ess is already very familiar with artificial intelligence. , I thought it would be nice to work with art and I was curious as to what the result would be. All of this has been in the making for months and recently became a reality in our shop in a week.” He now also uses artificial intelligence in the design stage of jewelry. Once. Fortunately, the customer was satisfied.

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Born and raised in Emmen, he has been the owner of a jewelry shop for over forty years and still works as a whistle. “Half the week I am a jeweler; the other half I run the shop.” The businessman says he has a rewarding job. “It happens that I change the wedding ring of a deceased person into a jewel for the deceased. In this case, a sad occasion has a beautiful and tangible result in the end. This gives me a lot of satisfaction.”

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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