Google and Salesforce are integrating BigQuery and Data Cloud

Salesforce enters into a strategic partnership with Google in which artificial intelligence and data integration are central. Data models and AI from Google Cloud are readily available within Salesforce.

Google and Salesforce announce strategic collaboration around artificial intelligence. It is based on two pillars: sharing data, and building and using AI models.


In terms of data, the two companies expect integration between Salesforce Data Cloud and Google BigQuery. Data Cloud is Salesforce’s name for the central data warehouse, which contains all data from Salesforce solutions as a single current source of truth. Data Cloud can also integrate external data, which is then available to the Salesforce AI applications themselves.

Thanks to the partnership with Google, data can now flow seamlessly from BigQuery to the Data Cloud and vice versa. Quick two-way access ensures that data can be accessed without having to copy it from Google or Salesforce. In other words, both sides adopt a zero-copy approach, which is not only more efficient but also safer.

artificial intelligence models

Google and Salesforce are also integrating Data Cloud and Vertex AI. Thanks to this collaboration, customers can build AI models at Vertex that are tailored to their specific needs. These forms are then available within the Salesforce platform.

Salesforce has its own AI models, but they are always neutral. This collaboration demonstrates the flexibility Salesforce is trying to achieve with the rollout of AI. Salesforce and Google also indicate that Google Analytics (v4) and Marketing Cloud will work together.


The integration between Google Vertex AI and Data Cloud will be available as a pilot project around the middle of this year. General availability is scheduled for the end of 2023. Data Cloud and BigQuery will learn to play nice together in preview from the end of this year, with “general availability” on the agenda for early 2024. Integration between Google Analytics and Marketing Cloud should be completed by the end of the year.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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