Google doesn’t just want you to forward email

Gmail is getting a new feature, verification when you want to forward email. For the sake of clarity: this is about forwarding email from one particular inbox automatically to another. So, not just one email, but all emails.

to forward the email

Now, if you want to receive an email from work in your Gmail inbox, for example, you just need to enter your work address and password and Google will take care of the rest. This is actually very strange. While she appreciates two-factor authentication and modern passkeys, when it comes to email forwarding, which is very personal and privacy-sensitive, she doesn’t seem to care much about that sort of thing. That will change now.

Gmail does not want anyone to be able to access this email or certain email filters. For example, this indicates that in the past year they have introduced stronger protections for sensitive actions performed in your Google Workspace accounts. And now that has been expanded:

Filters: Create a new filter, edit an existing filter, or import filters.

Forwarding: Add a new forwarding address from the Forwarding and POP/IMAP settings.

IMAP: Enable IMAP status in Settings. (Workspace administrators determine whether this setting is visible to users)

Two-step verification

Google He writesTo: “When these actions are taken, Google will evaluate the session performing the action and if it is deemed risky, it will challenge it with a ‘Check if it’s you’ prompt. Using a trusted second factor, such as a 2-step verification code, users can confirm the validity of the promotion If an authentication challenge fails or is not completed, users will be notified with a “Critical Security Alert” on trusted devices.

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So it’s probably safer, because you’ll immediately get a notification that there’s a very important security alert. This makes email forwarding a little more secure. The good thing to keep in mind is that forwarded email sometimes takes more time to become visible in your inbox. So, for example, if you are waiting for an urgent email or verification code, it is best to log directly into your email.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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