Google integrates Assistant and Poet

Google announces integration of Bard into Assistant. This gives your smartphone’s virtual assistant more productive AI capabilities beyond showing you the weather forecast.

Last night’s Made by Google event may have been all about the new Pixel 8 smartphones, but Google of course also had AI news to share. Seven years later, Google Assistant may be receiving its biggest update ever. Google announced, in line with rumours, Helper with cool And you have to imagine exactly what the name says: Bard is integrated into the assistant on your smartphone.

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The update is necessary to keep Google Assistant relevant to today’s era. The Assistant may essentially be an AI, but the capabilities you can do with it are very limited compared to ChatGPT and Bard. You can ask Google Assistant to show you today’s weather, but don’t ask it to make suggestions for your daily schedule based on that weather report. This becomes possible with the addition of Bard.

auxiliary + cool

During the demo, Google shows some examples. For example, Google Assistant will be able to browse your Gmail inbox and provide you with an update on important emails. This is possible because Bard was recently able to access other Google apps, if you gave the bot permission to do so. The upgraded Google Assistant will also be able to listen to the microphone and watch on the camera, product manager Sisi Hsiao said at the launch. This seems a bit scary.

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The Assistant with Bard app will soon start rolling out to Android and iOS devices, though Google hasn’t set a deadline yet. She says she first wants to test how people use the new Assistant version with a limited audience before making it more widely available. Google promises that it will also be fluent in languages ​​other than English. Bard has also been available in Belgium since July, so there are no barriers to rolling out the virtual assistant here as well.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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