Google will run AI on different formats of ads in search

More ads generated by or using AI will soon appear in Google’s search engine.

Like all innovations in technology, AI can easily be used for commercial purposes. Especially with various forms of online advertising. Google will soon put this statement into practice by incorporating generative artificial intelligence into various forms of ads in its search engine. The company announced this during Google Live Marketing.


The first new AI application for online advertising is Product Studio. This is a tool with which companies can easily – and at no additional cost – generate product images via generative AI.

Users also get more out of their existing photos with Product Studio, without the need for additional photo sessions. With this system, it’s easy to add, remove, or replace a background. Think of the same product whose background changes with the season. Flowers in spring, red and green around the holidays, examples abound.

In addition, the tech giant is also making it easier for businesses to advertise on Google via Merchant Center Next by streamlining the product feed. Users no longer have to manually enter all product information when placing an ad on Google. The AI ​​now copies all of this directly from the advertiser’s site, who still has the option to edit or remove this information.

It’s also easy for advertisers to check how their ads are performing; All reports are now grouped under Performance. This allows users to see which products had the best result, which companies appear next to them, and even how surfers interact with their company via maps and search.

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Product Studio will be available through Merchant Center Next, the business platform that allows companies to manage how their products are displayed on Google. The new system will be available to US businesses and users of Google Apps and YouTube on Shopify in a few months.

Merchant Center Next is already available in many locations and Google will also be offering it to smaller businesses in the coming months. Globally, the system should be available sometime next year. In any case, advertisers will be informed when they can use it.

The second way Google will use artificial intelligence is the ads you always see at the top of the search results; It can always be identified by a subtle “sponsored” that you see above the first choices. The intention is to make those ads in the results more closely match your search queries.

Google will list the recently launched ACA (‘Automatically generated assets‘) using formative artificial intelligence to display more relevant ad results. The ACA actually pulls the necessary information from advertisers’ sites to create titles and descriptions; With the addition of generative AI that becomes even more accurate. Sponsored results will automatically adapt to your searches, driving more clicks on ads.

In addition, Google simplifies the process of creating campaigns and associated ads in search results. Advertisers simply have to indicate which site the ad should lead to and the AI ​​automatically generates a short description. The system then suggests relevant keywords, headlines, images and descriptions to use during the campaign. All of this can still be modified, suggestions remain.

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chat bot

Now that Microsoft has started adding ads to Bing Chat, Google can’t stay behind. The company wants to add search and shopping ads to Google Search’s AI conversation engine. And that through the recently announced in the United States SGE or Generative research experiencea new search system, powered by generative artificial intelligence.

During a developer I/O presentation, Google recently demonstrated how ads can be placed above and below a chatbot. For example, if you are searching for a new cooking pot via the function with combinatorial AI, you will see the information to pay attention to when making that purchase and then the products of interest. You can then ask additional questions or let the system guide you. Throughout this entire experience, you will see relevant ads in fixed places. Sponsored results in the chatbot will still be indicated as such.

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Google Cloud puts generative AI in cybersecurity

Google clearly does not stand still when it comes to generative AI. Earlier this month it was announced that a number of security functions will be updated and there is also a recent expansion of Workspace with various AI functions.

Ironically, the former CEO of the tech giant recently joined the list of AI critics.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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