Govt-19: Liquor sales banned in Welsh pubs and restaurants and curfew imposed at 6pm | UK News

Pubs and restaurants across Wales will be banned from selling liquor and closed daily at 6 p.m.

The move, announced by First Minister Mark Drakeford, will take effect this Friday at 6 p.m.

Cinemas, bowling alleys, bingo halls and other indoor entertainment venues should be closed from the same date.

Mr Drakeford warned that without further action, the number of people in need of hospital treatment would increase COVID-19 In Wales it could rise to 2,200 – and up to 1,700 avoidable deaths in the winter “if we don’t act”.

Indoor spaces such as museums and galleries should also be closed, although outdoor visitor spaces are open.

The first minister said the number of victims per 100,000 people in the country had risen from 187 on Friday to nearly 210.

He warned that cases continue to rise among those under 25 years of age.

“Even more worrying, the cases Corona virus People over the age of 60 are starting to rise, ”he said.

Mr Drakeford said the country would reconsider travel restrictions inside and outside Wales after the lockout in the UK, with another announcement to be made this weekend.

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Environment Secretary George Eustis says maintaining a ‘sorted approach’ should allow the UK to avoid a third lock.

He told a Welsh government press conference: “The steps we are taking are based on what the UK SAGE panel of experts tells us.

He added that the Welsh government would “provide the most generous financial assistance anywhere in the UK” to those affected by the new regulations.

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Other national activities – home bubbles and how many people can meet indoors or outdoors – will remain the same.

Restrictions will be formally reviewed by December 17, and then every three weeks.

Mr Drakeford acknowledged that he was “grateful” for the hospitality industry and said the new regulations would be “difficult” as they come at one of the busiest times of the year.

“We will be very generous in providing financial assistance anywhere in the UK to support businesses affected by these new restrictions in the New Year,” he said.

The package includes m 180 million specifically for the tourism, leisure and hospitality business, in addition to the various support programs available from the UK Government.

This comes as the number of corona virus cases continues to rise across Wales.

Of the 22 local authorities in Wales, 16 rose last Thursday in a seven-day rolling case rate.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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