Green light for offshore oil, curb on onshore wind: Sunak’s ‘climate pragmatism’ in action in the UK

In recent weeks, Rishi Sunak has drawn the ire of many environmentalists. British Prime Minister defends implementation of more ‘realistic’ policy on climate targets. This week, two events illustrate this new path taken by the UK.

Why is this important?

Sunak’s choice symbolizes the dilemma facing many Western countries participating in the “green” transition. Some governments claim that it is not possible to move towards carbon neutrality too quickly because that would threaten the security of their supplies and financially harm their citizens. Therefore, more self-control must be exercised.

In the news: This week, two news reports angered UK environmentalists:

Green light for Rosebank

Details (1): Promises to Rosebank.

  • The British Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority decided on Wednesday to approve the launch of Rosebank. This is a major oil and gas project in the north of the country

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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