Gymnastics circuit ‘t Spagaatje takes on a new gym and dance floor in use (Hoogstraten)

Members of ‘t Spagaatje practice gymnastics in the new gym and ballroom. © Juice Coles


2022 has started off well for the Spagatje gymnastics circuit. The gym can now train in the new gymnasium and ballroom between Katelijnestraat and Klein Seminary. In the future, other associations and Klein Seminary will also be able to use the sports complex.

Ronnie van den Akerviken

Construction work on the gymnasium and ballroom began a year ago. The fully equipped gym with a pit also has a multi-purpose room, among other things, for a large gymnasium and yoga. There is also a ballroom, because ‘t Spagaatje has a wide range of dance styles to practice. For the gymnastics circuit, that’s a huge improvement. “Until recently, Operation ‘t Spagaatje was spread out at various locations in Hoogstraten,” says Chairman May Van Aert. “With this new infrastructure, our members in Hoogstraten and in the surrounding area will have better facilities to practice their favorite sport. A number of new classes will start this week, and new members will be welcomed into a number of existing classes.”

The total cost of the new building is just under 3 million euros. Hoogstraten City Council funds the bulk. The Flemish government provides a subsidy of 350,000 euros. The province of Antwerp will pay 150,000 euros. ‘t Spagaatje is investing half a million euros in making new aircraft.

sports track

Commissioned the gymnasium and dance hall, the first phase of the sports park has been completed world field. “This will soon make space for gymnastics, dance, athletics and football,” says Sport Alderman Arnold Wittenberg (Hoogstraten Live). “We work closely with ‘t Spagaatje, football club Hoogstraten VV, athletics association Noorderkempen and Klein Seminary. From the end of 2022, residents will be able to exercise in the fully completed Wereldakker Sports Park.”

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There will be an integrated athletics track, parking lot and Dog area off leash. In consultation with Hoogstraten VV, areas of practice and reorientation of areas of competition. An artificial turf field has already been built to compensate for the loss To make up for practice areas. The surrounding landscape consists of lots of greenery, extra play space, and slow roads.

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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