Hashtag #erdoor wants to make mental fatigue a topic of discussion – KW.be

The hashtag #pap has spread on social media in recent days. Knokke-Heist’s Jens D’Hondt started the hashtag with some acquaintances in order to address mental fatigue among young people. “We don’t just focus on the students.”

Janes de Hundt. © Davey Cog

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Our business started with an angry tweet I sent after a meeting of the federal government. In it he admitted our problems, but we did not receive any compensation for our efforts and I was very angry about it. I tweeted my frustration, among other things, using the hashtag that so many young people have embraced, “says Jens Dunnett, a political science student at VUB. Then I called some friends to ask them if we could organize anything to address mental fatigue. In the end we got started. A movement called #door so people can tell their story using this hashtag and there was a lot of response in the first 24 hours. ”Eight solutions Janes also has mental difficulty. He finds the constant focus of studying it in particular a challenging exercise. “I am a very social person by nature, but now I haven’t been able to see my friends from college for a long time and I don’t like it that much.” “Plus, I’ve taken on a lot of responsibilities that could be dealt with otherwise; I’ve been a Scout Leader at Knokke-Heist for three years. Now that’s all paused and I can only focus on my studies for two months. Of course, that’s not really motivating.” From this week we can organize activities with Al-Shabaab again, which is really great. ” According to Jens D’Hondt, the #erdoor group not only wants to sue problems but also offers solutions that can tackle mental fatigue. “So far we have eight concrete solutions. For example, we are advocating for guaranteed mitigation if a certain percentage of the population is vaccinated and there are no storms in hospitals.” “We would consider this a better measure than making promises that are later undone. Finally, we are also looking at it. On solutions for young people who are just entering the workforce. ”Vaccination is not a priority Over the past few days, the debate has begun about whether to vaccinate young people first. Jens D’Hondt supports the current vaccination strategy and sees high-risk groups as a priority. We certainly do not advocate vaccination Young people first. It is important to vaccinate the most vulnerable first. “Once the at-risk groups are vaccinated, the pressure on healthcare will be much less, and we believe that more relaxation should be provided. We also do not want young people to be vaccinated so that they can celebrate or organize a canto. Afterward. We just ask to go out a lot and see each other. I think it will be interesting to give priority to young people with health problems, “says Jens. (MV)

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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