Health Care Agency Launches Vaccination Centers Backup List Tool | The interior

The Flemish Agency for Health and Care today launched an online tool through which vaccination centers can find health care providers in the area who have not yet been vaccinated. This should help simplify invitations and booking lists at centers.

Since the vaccination centers opened, reports of teething problems have been trickling into calls and lists of precautions. In the Limburg municipalities of Hoeselt, Bilzen and Riemst, for example, nursery teachers and care staff at the shelter also received vaccinations. And at Wemmel at Flemish Brabant, they compiled a list of their reserves via Facebook, without prioritizing specific groups at risk.

To avoid such problems, the Welfare and Health Agency launched an online tool today. Center administrators can then log in with their electronic identification card to see lists of healthcare personnel in the area who have not yet received a vaccine.

“They can then use this data to create invitations and reservation lists,” explains company spokesperson Joris Monins. “Healthcare personnel who have already received a vaccine will disappear from that list after registering via Vaccinnet. So it is also important for hospitals to register their vaccinations as soon as possible.”

This week, 129,489 vaccines will be distributed for administration in Flanders, according to figures released by the Welfare and Health Agency. That’s 65 percent more than last week. Roughly 60 percent of this goes to hospitals, 22 percent to living apartments and group care and 17 percent to vaccination centers. Residential care centers will receive 3,053 doses this week. 95 percent of these are first doses.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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