Healthy meats | Salmonella suspect in Norwegian beef

Nordfjord Kjøtt uses sliced ​​dough from its own brand and the Prima brand to suspect salmonella is present in a batch of Norwegian beef.

Cutting dough may contain raw materials from a group of Norwegian beef where salmonella is suspected.

So far this year, many meat products have been pulled from store shelves due to the salmonella outbreak, but so far, the meat has been imported from Germany.

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For both products, packages expiring April 26, 2021 will be withdrawn. Products are sold in all Rema 1000 stores except in Troms, Finnmark, Oslo, Viken, Innlandet, Vestfold and Telemark counties.

Consumers have to either discard the product or return it to the store where it was purchased from for a refund.

Bacteria die with adequate heat treatment, and good kitchen hygiene and good heat treatment will prevent you from getting sick if you eat the related products, the company asserts in the press release.

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The bacteria in the Salmonella genus cause, among other things, salmonella disease in pets and humans, according to the Veterinary Institute.

The bacteria are excreted in feces and transmitted through unclean feed, food or water, and through contact with infected animals or humans under poor hygienic conditions. Bacteria can live in organic matter for several months, and under certain conditions they can reproduce in barns and in the environment.

(© NTB)

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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