How harmful is blue light to your health?

Whether it’s smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers or TVs: we are always surrounded by screens. These digital devices have improved our lives in many ways, but they also have a dark side: the blue light that screens emit. How harmful is blue light really? What can we do to protect ourselves from it?

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How harmful is blue light to your eyes?

Although exposure to natural sunlight during the day is beneficial for our health (Hello Vitamin D), too much sunlight can cause damage to the eyes. But according to optometrist Werner Schijvenaars from Van Giesen Tilburg, the blue light emitted by screens does not harm your eyes. “It’s a moot point, but I have yet to find scientific studies that show that blue light from a screen causes damage to the eyes. However, there are some so-called “marketing studies”.

Natural light, like outdoor light, also contains blue light, explains Schijvinarz. “In fact, scientific research has shown that the amount of blue light produced by walking outside for one hour is equivalent to 30 hours in front of a screen.” UV rays and blue light in sunlight can damage the retina, but the blue light from digital screens is so low in intensity that it does not cause any eye damage.

What is the effect of blue light on your health?

Although blue light from screens may not cause damage to the eyes, it can affect our sleep. “Various studies have proven that blue light causes the production of serotonin. This substance gives us a feeling of happiness, keeping us awake and energetic. On the other hand, the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, slows down. Sitting forward and therefore watching a screen every evening can have a negative effect.” upon you Sleep at night“This can lead to sleep disturbances and disturbed sleep cycles. “But this has nothing to do with direct damage to the eye.”

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Additionally, looking at a screen (with blue light) for long periods of time can cause eye strain and digital eye discomfort, known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). “A lot of people complain about fatigue in their eyes, but the muscles around your eyes can’t be ‘tired’. It’s simply a matter of how many hours you spend in front of a screen. Eye strain is a common problem when using a screen for a long time, but this isn’t caused directly by Blue light.

How can we protect ourselves from blue light?

Although the harm of blue light to the eyes is still debated, there are ways to protect yourself from the potential effects of long-term exposure:

  • Always wear sunglasses outside – Choose A Sunglasses Which effectively protects your eyes from ultraviolet rays and blue light.

  • Use blue light filtering apps – There are many apps available that filter blue light from your screen, such as f.lux (for PC), and Night Shift (for PC).For iOS) and night mode (For Android devices). These apps adjust the color temperature of your screen to reduce the amount of blue light emitted. They can help you sleep more easily. You can read here exactly how to change the screen of your smartphone or computer.

  • Wear blue light filtering glasses – Special glasses with blue light filtering lenses can protect your eyes from blue light, especially if you stare at the screen for a long time. Schijfinars: “Such glasses can make you sleep a little easier after a long evening spent behind a screen. However, sitting in front of a screen for long periods of time can cause chronic fatigue syndrome and headaches. Glasses are also available Especially for gamers.

  • Limit screen time – Try to reduce the time you spend in front of screens, especially before bed. This can help improve your sleep rhythm and reduce eye strain.

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Tips to reduce screen time

Determine how much time you want to spend each day on screen activities, such as social media, watching TV, or gaming. To do this, use features on your devices, such as screen time settings, to set time limits. Also don’t forget to delete apps that often distract you. To be less distracted, you can turn off unnecessary notifications. Set rewards for yourself when you reach screen time limits. This can motivate you to continue striving to achieve your goals.

Moreover, it is interesting to encourage social interaction by meeting friends, calling or video chatting rather than just communicating via text or social media. They can also support you and do screen-free activities with you. Finally, and perhaps the most important tip: avoid using screens right before going to bed. Read or listen to a book or podcast instead.

Apps for podcasts and audiobooks

If you’re looking for apps to discover and listen to podcasts and audiobooks, here are some popular options:

  • Spotify (internal control Department & Android) – In addition to music, Spotify offers a wide range of podcasts and audiobooks of various genres.

  • audible (internal control Department & Android) – Audible is a leading audiobook platform, with a huge selection of fiction and non-fiction.

  • storytel (internal control Department & Android) – Storytel offers an extensive library of books to listen to on the go, allowing you to feel like you’re in another world while resting your eyes.

  • the next (internal control Department & Android) – Nextory offers a diverse experience with hundreds of thousands of engaging titles that you can read or listen to through the app.

  • Moments of contemplation (internal control Department & Android) – With this application you will have more peace of mind. It contains hundreds of meditations, music pieces, programs, and audio books. I hope you don’t get stressed out by all the choices.

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Now that you have a better understanding of blue light and how to protect yourself, you can confidently enjoy your digital devices without worrying about any potential negative effects on your health. However, remember the importance of balancing screen time with relaxation for best results.


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Note: Useful tip about the brightness of your Samsung smartphone 📱

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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