How intermittent fasting can improve your mental health too

We live in a world where we are surrounded 24/7 by artificial light and access to food. This has a huge impact on how we feel on a daily basis. It even has bad effects on our mood. With intermittent fasting, you can solve a lot of problems.

With intermittent fasting, you eat all of your meals within a set number of hours. In most cases this is within four to twelve hours. It has been scientifically proven This way of eating can affect our mood.

Our minds have an hour

Intermittent fasting affects two processes in the body. First of all, the circadian rhythm. This is a system in our brain that adjusts the processes in our body to signals from the environment. For example, when it is dark outside, this system ensures that we are tired and need to sleep. This creates a rhythmic pattern to our habits and diet.

So, our brains influence how we eat, what we want to eat and when, but this also works in reverse. Digestive tissues have their own clocks that vary throughout the day. When the brain’s circadian rhythm is out of sync with eating rhythms, it affects the brain’s ability to function properly.

Scientific research on the brain watching TV
Gray matter in the picture (Photo: Anna Shvets/Pixels)

Although the brain accounts for only 2 percent of the total body mass, the organ uses up to 25 percent of our energy. This energy is strongly influenced by our calorie intake. Eating at unusual times can have negative effects on your health.

The effect of intermittent fasting

The underlying mechanisms are currently unknown, but there is a link between our “internal eating clocks” and our mood. Regret-digesting hormones also affect our dopamine levels. Dopamine is an important substance that plays a key role in mood, energy, and pleasure. Therefore, changing your eating regimen contributes to mood problems.

Irregular eating may play a role in mood disorders. For example, people with depression or bipolar disorder eat less at specific times. This can significantly worsen their situation. In addition, farmers show increased characters of depression and anxiety, because they eat less regularly. Despite this evidence, evaluation of eating regimens is not yet part of clinical care in psychiatric facilities.

Dejected - Depressed
A poor diet can make you more depressed. (Photo: Unsplash)

Intermittent fasting brings rhythm into our diet. When all the food is within a certain amount of time, the body can adjust to what it needs best at any given time. As a result, the processes in the body work more normally and our mood becomes better and more regular.

How do you apply intermittent fasting in your daily life?

Intermittent fasting requires some practice, but it’s easy to incorporate into a routine. Make sure you get all of your meals within a certain amount of time. For example, you can agree to consume all your calories between 9:00 and 19:00. Before and after that time you don’t eat anything. This method improves the brain, energy metabolism and hormone function.

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If you find it very difficult to completely change your habits, you may consider starting to take regimen therapies. Together with the specialists, you are working on a diet that goes well with your lifestyle.

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How intermittent fasting can improve your mental health too

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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