How to Become a Web Developer in 2021

With technology continuing to permeate each and every aspect of our lives, a growing number of consumers are looking to become a web developer. Whether you are a recent university graduate or are in the process of switching vocations, web development has undergone a rapid surge in popularity in recent years. Continue reading to find out how to become a web developer in 2021. 

Familiarise yourself with the basics 

If you are looking to become a web developer, you must familiarise yourself with the basics of web development. This can be done in a number of ways. For example, if you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the industry, it may benefit you to, at the very least, learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This can provide you with a working knowledge of web development and pave the way for practical, hands-on experience within a working environment. If you are on a time limit, a coding bootcamp can fast-track the entire process from start to finish and teach you everything you need to know in a matter of days.  

Choose a specialisation 

If you have familiarised yourself with the basics of web development, you must now choose a specialisation. Just as online casinos concentrate on a particular speciality of online gaming, such as online slots UK NetBet, web developers are no different. You must choose between becoming a front-end developer, a back-end developer, or a full-stack developer. A front-end developer tends to focus on the needs and wants of the client and any apps or websites that they may interact with. A back-end developer, on the other hand, puts their skills to good use by working on servers and databases. Finally, a full-stack developer is familiar and equipped to operate within both niches of web development if and when need be. 

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Curate a portfolio 

If you have familiarised yourself with the basics of web development and chose a specialisation, you must practice as much and as often as you can. By curating projects in your spare time or whilst at work, you can build a portfolio that will showcase your individual talents to the people that really matter. If you are invited to interview for a position, an employer is unlikely to progress with your application if you are unable to present them with physical evidence of your work. When it comes to becoming a web developer, a portfolio can be the difference between you securing your dream role and landing back at square one. 

If you are looking to become a web developer, there are a number of steps you must follow. By familiarising yourself with the basics, choosing a specialisation, and curating a portfolio, you can prove you are not only interested in entering into the web development industry but are serious when it comes to climbing the ranks and growing and developing within your chosen niche. As with any major career change, it pays to be prepared.  

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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