Identify new service providers in the healthcare landscape

You have an idea and want to start a healthcare company. But how do you do that? What steps do you need to take for this, and which parties should you deal with?

According to Vellans, the Knowledge Center for Long-Term Care, hundreds of Dutch people drown out each year and set up their own sponsorship company. Soon, however, many became embroiled in the jungle of laws, regulations, agencies and websites. This observation prompted the National Knowledge Institute to develop a roadmap that should guide novice caregivers through the complex care landscape.

The map provides information about the organizations and institutions that entrepreneurs encounter when starting and practicing the sponsorship activity. With whom to register, how to register the new company? There are also many representatives of interests who, in addition to representing interests, are also responsible for sharing knowledge. As interest broadens, there are actually many representatives of interests. It’s also important to have an overview of your current funding streams if you want to generate income from your service. You can also find this on the map.

A successful start is often characterized by gaining sufficient knowledge beforehand. This attests to Martin Van de Graaf, founder of Kloek, a small-scale living organization for people with dementia, who lacked the necessary guidance when getting started. “You try to do the best, but you don’t know everything.” Van de Graaf has now received guidance from Dignity and Pride on Location, a healthcare provider knowledge organization also included in the map.

Paul van Bouwhorst of Linnhorst, a small organization that directs specialized outpatient clinics for youth and adults in Utrecht, had a tough start as well. “There are a lot of arrangements to start. You have to figure out for yourself how it all works. Plus, there is also a lot of division between municipalities, for example. It’s not easy for you.” In recent years Van Bouwhort has invested a lot of time building a network with other freelancers and social neighborhood teams. He notes that regional networks are most important to him, so he is happy to inform beginners: “As a new healthcare provider, see how you can expand your network. Call, visit and join partnerships that already exist. Avoid buoyancy.”

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Finally, in addition to practical information on the map, Vilans also wants to offer some tips for getting off the starting blocks well. For example, the Knowledge Center points to the importance of networks and lists a number of databases where local caregivers can be tracked. Cartographers have important advice for entrepreneurs who, despite careful preparation, are still in danger of running into trouble: “Don’t let the system restrict you. Try to find boundaries within the defined frameworks in order to provide the care you want to provide.” You can refer to the new healthcare provider map online for more information.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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