Incentive Award Dr. Edward Delcroix: Rewarding innovative research on oceans and human health

The non-profit organizations HYDRO and the Flanders Maritime Institute (VLIZ) have announced the prestigious Dr. Encouragement Award for the fifth time. Edward Delcroix. This international award, worth €2,500, is awarded annually to a young scientist conducting excellent research under the theme “Oceans and Human Health”. This is an important recognition for recently graduated scientists from Council of Europe member states who have obtained a master’s or doctoral degree. The application deadline is set for February 15, 2024.

The ocean’s impact on human health: 2022 winners

Alexander Hoiberg: The Belgian Coast and Mental Health

Alexander Hoiberg, affiliated with VLIZ and Ghent University, received the award for his pioneering research on the health benefits of the Belgian coast. His work focuses on uncovering psychological and physiological mechanisms and the influence of environmental and personal factors on mental health. Hoiberg’s research contributes to a deeper understanding of how exposure to the coastal environment affects mental health and the social structure behind these effects.

Sandra J. Geiger: The impact of coastal proximity on public health

Another notable winner in 2022 was Sandra J. Geiger from the University of Vienna. Her study showed that people who live near the coast and visit it more often report better overall health. Interestingly, Geiger’s research also highlights that coastal proximity cannot reduce income-related health disparities. This aspect was studied in 15 countries, giving the results the possibility of being widely generalized.

The importance of the award and its future

Incentive Award Dr. Edward Delcroix plays a critical role in developing scientific research that explores the relationship between the ocean and human health. By encouraging and supporting young scientists, the award contributes to creating a better understanding of the multifaceted impact of the oceans on our health. There is no doubt that future laureates will continue to contribute to this fascinating and essential area of ​​research.

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De Aanmoedigingsprijs Dr. Edouard Delcroix blijft een belangrijke pijler in het erkennen en stimuleren van jong wetenschappelijk talent. Het onderzoek van laureaten zoals Alexander Hooyberg en Sandra J. Geiger benadrukt het belang van de oceaan voor onze geestelijke en fysieke gezondheid. Met de deadline van 15 februari 2024 in zicht, kijken we reikhalzend uit naar de volgende golf van innovatieve onderzoeksprojecten die deze prijs zal onthullen.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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