Iran nuclear deal: Washington wants to talk about it …

Iranian Representative Abbas Arachchi (Center) in a virtual meeting with the JCPOA team.
Photo: AFP

The United States announced on Monday that it was prepared to review any sanctions imposed on Iran on the condition that Tehran adhere to the nuclear deal struck in 2015. Talks on this will begin on Tuesday in Vienna.

The US State Department has confirmed that Iran will send a special envoy to Vienna, Robert Mali, to attend talks with Europeans, Russians and Chinese. A meeting with his Iranian representative is not currently planned for Malik.

The European Union, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and Iran will meet in the Austrian capital this week to discuss the US rejoining the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program (JCPOA). According to State Department spokesman Netflix, Washington is prepared to consider lifting some sanctions against Iran, but only on nuclear sanctions. “We are not going to make unilateral gestures or concessions to pacify Iran,” Bryce told reporters.

Earlier, all parties confirmed in a statement that they would like to have a positive return on US revenue. They stressed that they want to keep the contract in the right place and see how to ensure that the contracts are executed again.

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The Iran deal was attacked in 2015 to prevent the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. In response, tough sanctions against Tehran were lifted. The deal was shaken when then-President Donald Trump left his country in 2018 and returned to sanctions. This prompted Iran to pursue less and less of its obligations in the deal and further enrich uranium.

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Trump’s successor, Joe Biden, has promised a U.S. comeback, but Washington wants Iran to reaffirm its full commitment to the deal. Tehran, on the other hand, expects the United States to lift sanctions first.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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