Iran restricts cooperation with international nuclear analysts …

Iran will restrict cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) analysts from next Tuesday. The nuclear regulator announced this in Vienna on Tuesday.

Iran has told the IAEA that it will suspend the implementation of “voluntary transparency measures” that will be part of the 2015 nuclear deal from Tuesday, February 23. In addition, Tehran has announced that it will no longer follow the so-called additional protocol. It allows IAEA inspectors to announce in advance that they will visit the Iranian nuclear plant soon.

The unrestricted access of IAEA analysts to facilities in Iran is an important part of the nuclear deal with key powers. If Iran no longer offers access, the deal will be an empty box.

Tehran’s nuclear deal with the United States, China, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Russia, signed in 2015, has reduced Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The agreements made at the time were to prevent the production of nuclear weapons. In return for the Iranian promises, sanctions will be lifted.

But Iran has stopped complying with the deal after US President Donald Trump unilaterally decided to withdraw his country. The former US president believed that with severe sanctions and maximum pressure, the Iranian regime could agree to an agreement with strict conditions. Sanctions in particular have led to a severe economic crisis in Iran.

Earlier in the day, Iran threatened to limit its cooperation with analysts if talks with the United States did not make progress by the end of this month.

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Incumbent US President Joe Biden has already announced his intention to join the deal, but Iran must first take “confidence-building measures”. But according to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, the initial step should come from Washington.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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