Just one additional contamination in De Negensprong, childcare has reopened – KW.be

Out-of-school childcare may open De Buidel in Koekelare again on Tuesday. The city council decided that. Childcare closed Friday after a possible outbreak of the coronavirus at De Negensprong Primary School, but after extensive testing, this is unclear.

On Friday, a mobile test team came to De Balluchon. (Photo Coghe) © GINO COGHE Photo Coghe

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Three students from De Negensprong were diagnosed with the coronavirus last week. Since one of those children had been in close contact with the children and supervisors of De Buidel, Mayor Patrick Lansens (sp.a) took it for granted and decided to close care for out-of-school children. All activities for children under the age of 12 have been suspended. On Friday, a mobile test team came to De Balluchon. “At least 350 students have been tested, plus teachers and supervisors. The results show that” only “one additional infection was diagnosed at De Negensprong Primary School,” says Mayor Lansens. Thus most classes could resume at De Negensprong, and students of two classes would still have to remain in quarantine. They will undergo another test on Thursday, as stipulated in the protocol, and only then will they have certainty and clarity. Seven De Buidel supervisors are also required to remain in quarantine at least until Thursday. Even though their test results are negative, they were still in very high-risk contact and therefore also received a second test. These seven supervisors make up about half of our workforce. De Buidel will reopen on Tuesday, though it will be under a different system. So we are calling on people to use the least amount of childcare after school as possible in the coming days, ”apparently. Lessons can also be resumed in the music school, and the ban on activities for children under the age of twelve is lifted.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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