Kindergarten teachers and agents on the second reserve list of vaccination centers | The interior

A newsletter containing new guidelines for lists of reserves at vaccination centers has been distributed by the Flemish Agency for Welfare and Health. The general principle is to fill in vacant vaccination places with people over the age of 65, who are on the first reserve list. If that doesn’t work, it is best to work with a second backup list, which includes kindergarten teachers, police, and childcare workers.

When people do not show up for their vaccination appointment, it often takes a lot of time and effort for the vaccination center to quickly mobilize others to take vacancies and not waste vaccines. This is why most vaccination centers operate with reserve lists, but for some centers, it is not clear who should be contacted first to fill vacancies.

Starting next week, vaccination of the general population will begin, starting with those over the age of 85. For this target group, it is expected that a part of the group will not or cannot respond to the call and that it is not easy to obtain a quickly accessible list of reserve names. This is why the Welfare and Health Agency has put in place new guidelines for those that standby.

First fill in people over 65 years old

The general principle is and remains that the vaccination center should first try and as far as possible to fill vacant places with people from the priority target group who will be vaccinated. Therefore it is best to create a backup list for people over the age of 65, and the “oldest first” principle should not apply. This list of reserves can be supplemented by the partner or caregiver (if 65+) of the person being invited who will accompany the person to the vaccination center.

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If vaccination centers fail to mobilize people over the age of 65, they are required to invite people from a second standby list, and they can be called up quickly. This list should be compiled with people from occupational groups with a higher risk of infection. This concerns, for example, people from the police, kindergarten teachers and people working in childcare.

Only when all of these principles are applied can vaccination centers exceptionally consider inoculating people from other target groups with the primary reason for not wasting vaccines.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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