Lille residents can watch Belgica for free in a forest (Lille)

Belgica will be shown on Thursday 5 August in a divided area in the woods in Poeyelheide in Lille. © RR


On Thursday, August 5th, the Lille Municipal Council invited people to attend a free screening of the film “Belgium”. Spectators watch the film in an empty space in the woods in Poeyelheide.

In order to show the film outdoors, the municipality of Lille is collaborating with Bos+, a Flemish organization committed to making more forests available in Flanders and around the world. The initiators consciously choose an open space in the forest to show the film. At night, this will take place on August 5 in Poeyelheide, on the grounds behind the canteen. The show starts at 9.20pm and is free, but visitors must register in advance. The film being shown is called “Belgium” and is the fifth film by Felix van Groningen. The story revolves around two brothers who run a café in Ghent.

“Watching a movie in a vacant lot in the woods is a special experience. Especially since this happens in the evening. The birds begin their evening song, the wind rustles through the leaves, and the darkness begins the movie,” says Boss+. Attendees should also bring their own blanket or chair on Thursdays.(bvdl)

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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