Live: The Fall of Rutte IV Cabinet

Municipalities, provinces and water boards want to prevent the country from reaching a dead end. In a letter to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, they urgently appeal for concrete agreements with the decentralized authorities about asylum reception, housing, nitrogen, purchasing power and youth welfare, because standing still is really irresponsible.”

“This is detrimental to the interests of our residents,” the heads of the umbrella organizations of municipalities (VNG), provinces (IPO) and water boards (Union of Water Boards) wrote in a joint letter.

Cabinet is now outgoing. This month, the House of Representatives will decide which issues will be declared controversial, meaning they will not be discussed until a new government is formed. However, organizations urge the university to deal with distributive law anyway. This law should ensure a fair and proportionate distribution of asylum seekers in all municipalities.

The three umbrella organizations also want the government to continue the transition of the rural area, given the urgency. The three chiefs argue that the government’s plans to buy share farmers should remain the same. This relates to the peak cranes scheme and the general termination scheme.

Obligations related to the voluntary regional procurement plan and relocation, innovation and expansion plans must also be fulfilled. The so-called acceleration money must also continue. Cluster organizations stress that the lack of clarity and perspective for farmers is a major problem in rural transition.

Legislation to improve youth welfare is also necessary. An agreement on improvements was recently concluded after difficult negotiations. The House of Representatives passed proposals setting deadlines for putting a number of measures into law. “If this legislation is delayed, youth care shortages and waiting lists will grow even faster,” the chiefs wrote. They think this is an “irresponsible situation” for both the youth and the municipalities.

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Accords for quick build affordable homes and 30 percent affordable rental homes must also be respected.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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