Macron gives social partners until the end of this year for a functional agreement | outside

Emmanuel Macron gives the social partners until the end of this year to come up with a functional pact. He said this in the context of a meeting with employers in the Elysee. Trade unions were also invited, but failed to attend. With this new agreement, the French president hopes to end the crisis surrounding the pension file.

In a televised address by Macron last night, trade unions and employers were asked to consider a new agreement in the coming weeks and months. This should lead to better working conditions and higher wages, longer careers, and an emphasis on more training when fired,…

Macron spoke of “a hundred days” in his speech, up until the national holiday on July 14. But employers’ organization Mefed said that was too short. “The intention is to set the negotiation agenda in the coming weeks and months. We will leave time for negotiation, I say until the end of the year,” the president said.

He emphasized that he “didn’t want to give the feeling of being rushed.” “But when unions and employers are ready to move faster, we are at your complete disposal,” he said. Macron also stressed that the goal is to negotiate “without restrictions or taboos.” Unions have already made it clear that they want to wait until May 1, a traditional day for social mobilization.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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