Margaret Nolan, 76, Goldfinger Bond girl has died

at Gold fingerIt is the third Bond movie, Nolan played “Dink”, the James Bond masseuse (Sean Connery). It was a small but important part of her career. The English actress was able to transcribe Gold finger She never played a significant role again, but thankfully she did and was heavily involved in smaller film projects.

Nolan appeared in several film and theater productions in the 1960s and 1970s as well as a few television programs. In 1964 it popped up in a hard day’s NightA musical comedy by the Beatles. She then stopped acting for thirty years to “find herself again,” but in 2011 she gave her film career another chance.

Last year she played a small role in Last night in Soho From director Edgar Wright. Wright, who had a good relationship with the actress, shared a medal on his Twitter page. In addition to being an actress, Nolan has also been active as a glamor model: she got up to it play boy And a lot of other photo montages. She was survived by two sons, cinematographer Oscar Dix and Luke O’Sullivan.

Nolan is the second Bond girl to lose her life in a month. Diana Rigg, Bond Girl in On Her Majesty’s Secret ServiceDied of cancer on September 10.

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Sophie Baker

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