Masahiro Sakurai reveals how Sora finally made his way to Super Smash Bros. climax

The reason why Sora is in Super Smash Bros. This is due to a chance meeting between the creators of Super Smash and Disney.

In Masahiro Sakurai Famitsu’s latest column, the Smash director revealed how Sora was able to make the switch. Column translated by @PushDustIn employment @Codenokolo.

According to the translation, adding Sora to the game was much more difficult than other characters. Sakurai met someone from Disney during the awards ceremony, who started talking about Sora. In the end, this led to the conversations that led Sora to come to Smash.

Sora is the latest fighter added to the Ultimate. Sakurai said that Fighters Pass 2 initially had five fighters: Min Min, Steve, Sephiroth, Pyra/Mythra and Kazuya. After long talks between Nintendo, Square Enix and Disney, it was possible to add the sixth character.

Remarkably, Sora in Smash was created through a chance encounter. This is also how the first idea for Kingdom Hearts came about. Kingdom Hearts director Tetsuya Nomura has said in the past that Square Enix and Disney started talking about Kingdom Hearts when Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto met someone from Disney in an elevator.

It is not yet known what Sakurai will do in the future. He has indicated to Famitsu that he plans to do several games before retiring.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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