Mayor Jean de Keyser responds to criticism after the preventive shutdown of De Kiem –

Many parents responded with indignation to the preventive closure of De Kim Primary School for the next three days. Just before the holiday, I was diagnosed with a positive coronavirus.

Mayor Jean de Keyser received some criticism after it was decided to close De Kiem Primary School for a few days. © photo GS

The decision to implement lockdown and preventive testing measures two days before the end of Spring Break is stirring up plenty of parent-organizational talent to keep De Kiem’s ​​children at home or to provide care. She has been blamed and many don’t understand why the decision was not made sooner.

In a short response to his Facebook page, Mayor Jean de Keyser gave more clarity on Saturday evening.

Dear Parent / Resident Concerned,

Everyone understands the least pleasant reactions. But when he suggests that the response is “too late,” I feel compelled to respond. During spring break, a lot of testing was done and test results are now processed, and put into statistics, with the aim of discovering infection patterns?

It was only Thursday evening when the alarm bells (the Welfare and Health Agency) about “young children” infection (sometimes with an infectious variant) started to recur … on Friday this signal got stronger and at the end of the afternoon I called. She immediately turned to bring the various actors (the Welfare and Health Agency, the Doctor from the Welfare Board, the School Administration …) together.

On Saturday morning at 08.00, we were already in a counseling session – and after noting the current situation – we decided – based on strong advice from the Welfare and Health Agency – to preemptively close the school for a few days. Management immediately arranged for the test to take place on Monday. thank you for that! We make Ridefort available to allow testing to run smoothly and safely.

And now he comes? We hope that very few positive tests will appear … But can it be said after that: “Do you have to leave the children at home for this? Should it be tested for this?” … And if there are many infections, it can be said: ” This should have happened much earlier, right? ” …

Dear Parents, You can only make decisions if you have objective data, and no one can predict it. When in doubt, I take the public health side.

I count on your understanding during this difficult period (also for the school administration, teachers … and me). I know very well that private life is stressful for a lot of parents … but I know we will eventually do it for you and your kids.

Thank you for your understanding and appreciation for the decision taken.

Short reaction Mayor Jean de Keyser (7:30 PM 20.02): Dear parent / resident concerned. All understanding for …

Laid before Jean de Keyser running Saturday 20 February 2021

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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