Messing With Rothko: A Fun Documentary About Art Scam

In 2011, a painful example of technical fraud appeared. Several works by painters such as Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, and Robert Motherwell seem to have been traded through the highly respected New York Gallery Knoedler for sums that will make your ears ring. Not real works, but skillfully copied. how is that possible? Who was behind it? And who knew about it?

Canadian documentary filmmaker Barry Avrish brought a large number of participants in front of the camera for the entertaining and exciting reconstructions. The central character is gallery owner Anne Friedman, a stoic lady who couldn’t believe her luck when a stranger entered the art world with the wonderful, undocumented Rothko. You might say alarm bells. But Avrich makes it understandable how even seasoned art connoisseurs can be misled. It’s fun how he has a famous poker player psychologist explaining how cheating works.

Big players out of range of strikes

Illustrated with animation and visual jokes continues made you look Well ventilated. Rich victims who complain about the cat in the bag they bought do little to win our sympathy. However, the game maker accurately shows that the major players in white collar crime remain out of their reach.

Meanwhile, the source of the fake art remains a fascinating mystery: a Chinese artist who, in his garage in Queens, has proven to be a master of a variety of styles within American Abstract Expressionism. This guy deserves his own movie.

to appear on Netflix

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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