Millions of Britons celebrate Queen Elizabeth with ‘The Big Jubilee Lunch’


Millions of people across the UK attended picnics and lunches on Sunday to mark the 70th anniversary of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth. For the 96-year-old queen it was the fourth and last day of large-scale celebrations.

Source: Belgium

Read more. Live. Four Days Celebration for British Queen Elizabeth: Follow All Here

The screen will fall for the big annual festival on Sunday. The final day started at noon with “The Big Jubilee Lunch”. Across the country, people gather with friends, neighbors and relatives for lunch or picnics.

An estimated 16,000 lunches that year take place in the UK, all of which are attended by millions of people. Crown Prince Charles and his wife Camila are having lunch at the Oval Cricket Ground in London, where a giant cake buffet has been set up.

Near Windsor Castle, 3,000 people gathered around 488 tables set up on Long Walk, the road leading to the Queen’s residence, regardless of the rainy week.

The 96-year-old queen did not attend much of the festivities. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Read more. Martin follows the British royal family throughout his life and celebrates the Queen: “With the allegiance of William and Kate, I slept outside, even at Buckingham Palace.”

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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