Missile launch failed

Something went wrong with the launch vehicle, which was launched from the UK on Monday night using a converted Boeing. The space company Virgin Orbit reported this.

In Cornwall, in southwest England, a plane took off Monday night to launch a rocket carrying nine satellites into space.

The transforming Boeing 747 is an aircraft launcher for the launch vehicle. At an altitude of 10.7 kilometers above the Atlantic Ocean, the aircraft released its 21-meter launch vehicle about an hour after takeoff.

However, LauncherOne’s rocket fails to reach Earth’s orbit. We are evaluating the information.

This was the first satellite to be launched from British soil.

Dubbed “Start Me Up” after a Rolling Stones song, this mission is the work of British billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit company. This space company has previously launched a rocket with an airplane in the United States.

Until now, British satellites had to be launched from abroad. In addition to Cornwall, the British government also wants to open launch sites in northern Scotland and the Shetland Islands.

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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