Moldova is gradually getting rid of dependence on Russian gas abroad

The former Soviet republic on Ukraine’s western border relies heavily on Gazprom for gas supplies and Moscow for financing. “We have to learn how to save. We believe that Moldova can save 15 percent of its gas consumption, just like the countries of the European Union.” He added that the government in Chisinau wanted to prepare for several scenarios, including a complete shutdown of gas supplies.

Moldova declared itself neutral in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and did not impose sanctions on Russia. However, the country is seeking closer ties with the European Union, and Moldova was granted candidate status in June, along with Ukraine.

The government signed a five-year gas supply contract with Gazprom on November 1 of last year, provided that the annual supply amount is agreed upon two months before the end of the contract year, i.e. at the end of August. So far, Moldova has not received any response from Gazprom. However, Spinu is confident that this winter the country will receive gas, if not from Gazprom, or from other suppliers.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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