More than 1,000 km of traffic jams in France by vacationers: you have to wait here on the way south

The black weekend on European roads lives up to its name: today there are already 1073 kilometers of traffic jams in France at 12.15, while last Saturday’s highlight was 872 kilometers “bad”. This is where you’ve been moving the longest.


Lots of traffic jams are expected in southern Europe today. The mobility organization VAB is talking about a black weekend and sees a lot of traffic around 12.15pm. Problems with Bordeaux are gradually decreasing. The alternative route to the Mediterranean via Vierzon, Clermont-Ferrand and Montpellier is also very crowded.

In Tauerntunnel (Austria) and Gotthardtunnel (Switzerland) traffic drops slightly, but miss times continue to court an hour and a half from queues.

An overview of the main routes:


heading south

  1. A7 Lyon – Orange: + 1 hour 55 minutes

  2. A9 Orange – Spanish border: +1 hours 46 minutes

  1. • Paris A86: no delay

  2. • A10 Paris – Bordeaux: +2 hours 24 minutes

  3. • A630 Bordeaux – Spanish border: +49 minutes


  1. • A9 Spanish Limit – Orange: + 1 hour 48 minutes

  2. • A7 Orange – Lyon: +42 minutes

  1. • Spanish border – A630 Bordeaux: + 1 hour 11 minutes

  2. • A10 Bordeaux – Paris: +45 minutes

  3. • Paris A86: + 2 minutes


heading south

  • A3 Cologne – Frankfurt: + 2 minutes

  • A7 Würzburg – Ulm: + 28 minutes

  • A8 Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – Ulm: + 59 minutes

  • A3, A9, A99, A8 Würzburg – Nuremberg – Munich – Salzburg (Austria): +1 hour 25 minutes

  • A5 Karlsruhe – Basel: + 1 hour 10 minutes

  • A7 Hamburg – Flensburg (direction of Denmark): + 2 hours 22 minutes

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  • A3 Frankfurt – Cologne: +29 minutes

  • A7 Ulm – Würzburg: + 4 minutes

  • A8 Ulm – Stuttgart – Karlsruhe: +22 minutes

  • A8, A99, A9 A3 Salzburg – Munich – Nuremberg – Würzburg: +1 hour 35 minutes

  • A5 Basel – Karlsruhe: +59 minutes

  • A7 Flensburg – Hamburg: + 1 hour 22 minutes


heading south



heading south



heading south

  • Chiasso – Milan +22 min

  • Milan – Pisa: +6 minutes

  • Mont Blanc Tunnel – Turin: + 1 hour 20 minutes

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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