Muscles grow from the bench? Try the Lazy Girl Who Thrives on Social Workout | Nina

Exercising doesn’t necessarily mean a lot of sweat, an uncomfortably high heart rate, and sore muscles. On social media, people are eagerly sharing the “lazy girl workout,” which you can do while scrolling on your smartphone, lying in bed, or watching TV. And they, as you might have guessed, are very popular.

Some days you’d rather stay in bed or on the couch. But suddenly this feeling of guilt creeps in: Oops, I didn’t make a move today. Don’t worry, you’re not alone: ​​numerous “lazy girl workout” videos, which have racked up tens to hundreds of thousands of views, prove it.

How “lazy” are those workouts exactly? Well, you can do them on your couch or bed, yes, while lying down. It also requires minimal effort and feels almost effortless, according to fans. And there are plenty of them, by the way: On the video app TikTok alone, the hashtag #lazygirlworkout has garnered more than 13 million views.

You can literally do the lazy girl workout anytime, anywhere

More specific are Lazy girl exercises is similar to low impact drills. They are designed to give the body enough exercise without having to struggle. So you will never do that Lazy girl workout You face where you have to jump. Perfect for those days when your energy or motivation is low or you have a cold, for example.

In addition, the exercises contain simple exercises in which you do not need any special devices or tools. So you can do it anytime and anywhere Lazy girl workout It makes her very popular. And American sports influencer Stella Yang explains this in a video: while scrolling on her mobile phone, she repeats some light movements. It gets her core going, but also fits seamlessly into the rest of her day.

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Would you like one yourself Lazy girl workout trying? On YouTube you will find plenty of video tutorials that you can follow. Several fitness experts share their version of the slow workout. And that’s all there is to it Step aerobics to one full body work out.

look. These are the three most popular videos at the moment.

1. Lazy full body workout in 7 minutes

Vicky Justiz is a professional fitness trainer with 2 million followers. In this video, she shows how you can train your entire body in seven minutes. The fitness routine contains 14 exercises that you do for 30 seconds each, on the floor, in a chair or on your bed.

2. Pilates for lazy people

this Lazy Girl Pilates Workout It works on your muscles, flexibility and balance. In 14 minutes, Liv Aligned guides you through a series of achievable, goal-oriented exercises that will recharge and motivate you.

3. Even with feet in this ‘lIzzy saerobic”

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If dancing is your thing, then you can Step aerobics try out. In this video, she dances for 30 minutes with BurpeeGirl, beloved by novice athletes for her easy home workouts.

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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