N-VA calls on Belgium to stay away from the United Nations Conference against Racism: “It has become a festival of hatred against Jews and Israel” | interior

The conference celebrates the 20th anniversary of the World Conference Against Racism (WCAR), which took place in 2001 in Durban, South Africa. The conference, and its follow-up moments over the years, “was hijacked by Arab countries and far-left NGOs, and thus turned into a festival of hatred against Jews and Israel,” says de Wever and Frelich. According to them, anti-Semitic leaflets were displayed and fictitious “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which were also used by the Nazis, were distributed there.


What is this government waiting for? On the one hand, he addressed issues of sexism, racism, and gender, and on the other hand, he turned a blind eye to anti-Semitism. Obviously, the left can do that.

Michael Frelich, Kamerlid N-VA

“Dozens of Western countries have already indicated that they will not participate in this conference which is ‘for’, not against, racism,” Frelich said. Belgium thus became an island in our region among our neighbors Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France, all of whom openly declared that they would boycott the conference. Outside of Europe, our major allies, including the United States, Canada and Australia, have done the same. What is this government waiting for? On the one hand, he addressed issues of sexism, racism, and gender, and on the other hand, he turned a blind eye to anti-Semitism. the left cherry Apparently they can.”

In their press release, de Wever and Frelich gave the floor to Johann Benisri, chair of the Coordination Committee of Jewish Associations in Belgium. “We know and respect Belgium’s strong pluralist position and its diplomatic commitments,” he says. “The point is not to question them, but to realize that the desire to participate in this masquerade is out of the question. To make mistakes is human fault, but to persist in these mistakes is diabolical. Our country’s honor is at stake and its credibility in the fight against anti-Semitism has already been severely damaged in recent years. “.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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