NASA is playing with fire in space

NASA has a new one on Saturday resupply mission to the International Space Station Launched† The package contains a large number of materials intended for scientific experiments, including so-called solid fuel ignition and extinction experiments (soFIE† This project consists of five experiments that should ensure that fire safety can be improved during future Moon and Mars missions.

according to Paul Vercole, a NASA project scientist involved in the experiments, will use the results in developing future prototypes. Faircol says it will look at the combustibility of the materials used in the spacesuits and habitats. The best way to put out a fire in the room will also be examined.

live cancer cells

The new mission has even more amazing experiences. This is the method used by the file MicroQuin 3D TumorThe trial investigated how to better control breast and prostate cancer. MicroQuin brings live cancer cells to the International Space Station for experiment.

These aren’t the only human cells being flown into space. The package also includes the skin cells that were sent to the International Space Station by Colgate. The company wants to investigate the effect of the space environment on the skin.

Growing plants in space

Another notable experiment is the eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System.XROOTS† With XROOTS, scientists want to investigate whether astronauts can use hydro and atmospheric systems to grow plants in space. The systems will use water and air respectively to maintain the plants rather than the soil.

The future of the International Space Station

The International Space Station has been launched piece by piece from 1998. Since 2000, the station has been permanently inhabited. This makes the International Space Station (ISS) the longest continuously manned space station ever. But NASA is now beginning to think about how long the international community can keep up with the mission.

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After all, the station is starting to get old, which means that more difficult would have to keep it. NASA has calculated that the station could remain in orbit until 2030 for now. It is then planned to be brought down in a controlled manner, after which it will collapse into the Pacific Ocean Area called “spaceship burial ground.”

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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